Statement on the Southport Murders
(too old to reply)
D. Ray
2024-08-04 04:46:09 UTC
Patriotic Alternative’s statement on the murders that took place in
Southport, the subsequent protests and the British Government’s response.

The Murders

The murders of three little girls at the hands of a Rwandan teenager in
Southport earlier this week have shocked the nation. These horrific
killings are the result of unchecked mass immigration, those who chant
“refugees welcome”, and those in successive governments who have opened our
borders. They have the blood of these girls on their hands.

There are two things that must change immediately in order to safeguard our

1. There must be a complete halt to all channel crossings and all small
boats must be turned back. We cannot allow any more of these migrants into
our island home.

2. We must deport all illegal migrants and so-called ‘asylum seekers’.

The risk these migrants pose to our people – especially our children – is
far too great.

Finally, Axel Rudakubana, the 17-year-old who murdered the girls in
Southport, should face capital punishment for his crimes.

A clear message must be sent, that Britain will no longer accept floods of
migrants from all over the world, that Britain will no longer be a haven
for illegal immigrants, and that Britain will no longer tolerate these
horrific attacks on her people.

The Response – Mass Protests

Since the murders that took place earlier this week, there have been
protests all over the country. Some of these protests have led to disorder
and clashes with the police. Whilst we do not condone violence or disorder,
the blame for these incidents lies with the establishment.

The government has imported untold thousands of murderous and violent
migrants against the wishes of the public.

The police have allowed these migrants and their descendants to commit
horrendous crimes against white Britons and then have covered them up,
spending resources harassing whites who dare to speak the truth.

The media have lied, and lied again. They have used their power to smear
and defame anyone or any group that has rallied against the colonisation of
our small island home.

These are the people and groups that have colluded to create the kind of
conditions that led to the three little girls being butchered by a
knife-wielding migrant. White men took to the streets and attacked the
police because they have been ignored, maligned and persecuted – they felt
there was no other way to be heard.

We, the White British people, are the victims of an anti-white
multicultural tyranny that has dispossessed us of power and turned us into
second class citizens in our own land. The blame for last night’s incident
should not be placed at the feet of people who have been beaten down,
ignored, or who have just had their children murdered. The blame for all of
this lies with the anti-white establishment.

Protests Moving Forward

We call for calm. While protests are essential in a free and democratic
society, all protests must remain peaceful, dignified and within the law.
We are well aware that the police treat white protestors differently to the
way they treat those from ethnic minority backgrounds.

This can be clearly witnessed in the different methods of policing employed
over the last few weeks. The way that ethnic minority groups involved in
disorder in Leeds were treated by the police was completely different to
the way that whites involved in disorder in Southport were treated.

White people have been baton-charged, attacked, had dogs set upon them, and
have been arrested in large numbers. Whenever ethnic minorities clash with
the police, it’s a different story. The police treat ethnic minority groups
with kid gloves – often retreating and allowing those groups to do as they

What’s more, we can never forget the scenes of police officers ‘taking the
knee’ for Black Lives Matter activists, who were involved in serious
disorder and acts of criminal damage.

People should protest, but they should do so peacefully. Those at the
protests should refrain from clashing with the police – even when provoked.
White protestors should film every interaction with the police and document
the violent inequalities that they face at the hands of the state.

The Government’s Response

Earlier today, Keir Starmer held a press conference that did not focus on
the death of the three innocent girls in Southport, nor did it offer any
solutions or protections for British children. His entire response was
focused upon tackling the ‘far right’.

Starmer’s ‘solutions’ to the ‘problem’ include:

- A new Stalinesque police force to monitor right-wing political

- Travel bans for known ‘far right’ activists.

- New facial recognition technology to monitor white protestors.

- A crackdown on social media companies to further limit free speech.

- The criminalisation of anti-migrant protests.

What Starmer’s ‘solutions’ did not include:

- Any protections for British children.

- Any restrictions or vetting of migrants.

- Any review of police procedure for monitoring migrants on watchlists.

- Anything of genuine use that would prevent another massacre of indigenous
Britons at the hands of so-called ‘refugees’.

As such, Keir Starmer’s government has already lost any real legitimacy. He
and his cronies have doubled down on their open-border agenda, and instead
of looking to protect British people, they seek to place further
restrictions on the rights of indigenous Britons who wish to voice their
valid concerns and justifiable anger.


What happened in Southport is a direct result of liberal, open-border
migration polices and the demographic changes that those policies have
brought about. Since the end of World War 2, nationalists in Britain have
warned of this coming nightmare, yet the British establishment has
routinely ignored those warnings – instead choosing to demonise those

How many more British children must die before our government acts to stop
it happening again?

Sadly, the British government is so wedded to multiculturalism and mass
immigration that it does not care how many British children are sacrificed
on the altar of ‘diversity’.


Lucas McCain
2024-08-04 16:14:41 UTC
Post by D. Ray
We call for calm. While protests are essential in a free and democratic
society, all protests must remain peaceful, dignified and within the law.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.”
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

"There is no "democratic" government where all the governing officials
are rich grifters, the multinational corporations and financial
institutions control policy, and the will of the people is ignored,
subverted through propaganda, or oppressed with lawfare and threats."

Posted by: Belle | Jul 22 2024 14:51 utc on Moon of Alabama blog

2024-08-04 16:20:30 UTC
On Sun, 4 Aug 2024 10:14:41 -0600
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by D. Ray
We call for calm. While protests are essential in a free and
democratic society, all protests must remain peaceful, dignified
and within the law.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
again and expecting different results.”
Which is particularly stupid if Einstein did indeed say it, as he also
(allegedly) said 'God does not play dice', thus showing that he knew
about one of the oldest devices which humans have invented in order to
do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.

He had also never had to troubleshoot an intermittent fault.
D. Ray
2024-08-05 00:19:19 UTC
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by D. Ray
We call for calm. While protests are essential in a free and democratic
society, all protests must remain peaceful, dignified and within the law.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.”
They are legally obligated to say something like this. UK is so anti-White
that they put people in prison for “It’s OK to be White” stickers.
Obviously, peaceful protests will never work with these people.
2024-08-04 18:13:59 UTC
Patriotic Alternative¢s statement on the murders that took place in
Southport, the subsequent protests and the British Government¢s response.
migration will only increase with time as climate and failed states leave
people with only one option.
2024-08-04 20:19:08 UTC
Post by kami
Patriotic Alternative┬ statement on the murders that took place in
Southport, the subsequent protests and the British Government┬ response.
migration will only increase with time as climate and failed states leave
people with only one option.
I think it's clear that resistance/violence against
those 'migrants' will now also increase. The govt
likes to frame all this as "far right" - I may puke
if I hear that again - but it's not so narrowly
ideological. More and more seem to see it as "self
defense" against waves of 'immigrants'.
D. Ray
2024-08-04 18:47:46 UTC
I was watching a video of a protest in Rotherham this morning. And as the
Whites were smashing up a Holiday Inn that houses migrants, the woman
hosting the stream was going on and on about how she is not against any
race color or religion, that people who come in and work are all welcome
etc. It was laughable to be saying this in the midst of a crowd of people
smashing a migrant hotel.

Which is why I say that kind of talk really doesn't mean anything. This
woman just has no idea what to say, or she is imitating something she heard
on TV. It is almost impossible to get any other kind of messaging in
Britain. Mark Collett and Patriotic Alternative have been brutally censored
across almost all platforms to keep the actual White first message away
from people.

The action of smashing the migrant hotel itself is the real message. That
is an organic expression of frustration with racial replacement, whether
from muslims, blacks or whoever. The fact that these protests continued
despite it being revealed that the killer was a non-immigrant black,
exactly the type of person Tommy Robinson says assimilates well and
embraces real British values, shows that this is an organic expression of
pent up White rage.

D. Ray
2024-08-04 18:47:47 UTC

Remember this image?

Every single politician in Britain went out of their way to express their
shock and sadness over this boy's death. Those same politicians then
demanded measures to be taken in order to prevent future deaths. This
resulted in Britain's lifeguards in the English Channel being used as a
ferry service for migrants.

Fast forward to 2024 and the death of three little girls at the hands of a
migrant from Rwanda seems to be the least of our politicians' worries!
Instead, our politicians are more concerned about the 'far right' and have
cried more tears about a wall being pushed over outside a mosque than they
have about the murder of those little girls!

There has been no talk of security for our children, no talk of measures to
prevent another mass killing, the only response has been to call for new
laws to stop people protesting about this issue.

If it wasn't clear before, hopefully it is now; the vast majority of
British politicians have nothing but contempt for white people and they
don't even care when our children are murdered. We are less than second
class citizens in our own homeland.
D. Ray
2024-08-04 18:47:47 UTC
The level of police brutality aimed at white people that has been
documented on social media this weekend is shocking and appalling. We are
living under a two tier system of policing.

Every single one of these incidents should be logged, saved and archived
and the officers involved in these acts of brutality should be identified
and reported - just as they would if they used such tactics on ethnic
minority groups.

We must also raise awareness of this brutality to as many people as
possible. These videos and images should be shared as far and wide as

It is time we fought for our civil right as all other ethnic groups do - we
should not give the police a pass on this and we should not suffer in

D. Ray
2024-08-04 18:47:48 UTC
Today we have witnessed gangs from ethnic minority communities walking down
British streets armed with a variety of weapons.

Where is the police response?
Will Starmer and Cooper be calling for their arrests?
When will the media be covering this?

We know the answers to those questions!
It's not just a matter of two tier policing, white Britons are second class
citizens - they are victimised by the police, ignored by the government and
lied about by the media.

The reason the streets of Britain are filled with angry white people is
because finally whites have had enough of being treated this way.

D. Ray
2024-08-04 18:47:49 UTC
Can’t stop thinking about one of Sam’s stickers. It’s the one that says “A
Storm is Coming”. The prosecution highlighted 14 of the stickers out of the
total 310 which were the most “extreme”, and this was one of them. They
said he was inciting racial hatred by saying this. He was trying to warn
you, dickheads.

D. Ray
2024-08-05 00:19:20 UTC
As I said during my stream tonight, I oppose any violent disorder, and I
especially oppose the circumstances that lead to it. My preferred method of
protest against the viciously anti-White occupation we live under would be
for White people to just down tools and go on strike.

But how did it come to this? Three White schoolgirls were stabbed to death
this week by a rampaging African youth, who also severely injured many
other little girls and two adults.

So here's a fact: had that anti-White atrocity not happened, and were
anti-White atrocities like that unable to happen at all, the number of
protests this week would be zero. The number of projectiles thrown at the
police would be zero. The damage to property would be zero, and yes, the
number of police stations attacked this week would be zero.

The police may not be directly responsible for the demographic crimes which
led to the savagery that we saw in Southport on Monday, but they enforce an
incredibly vicious and abusive anti-White anarcho-tyranny upon the British
people. They treat the grossly disproportionate elements among many of the
various foreign contingents in Britain who are violent and criminal with
kid gloves, and by and large allow them to prey upon and terrorise the
British with near impunity. This is exacerbated by the fact that any Briton
who so much as complains about these conditions of terror and abuse is
liable to feel the full force of the anti-White police and judicial system.

This has been the case for decades, so it's hardly surprising that the the
police are viewed with total and utter contempt by large swathes of the
British people. And unfortunately, when tens of millions of people view you
with such contempt and distrust, probability dictates that there will be
the odd reckless idiot among those millions who'll express it in the worst
possible ways.

If even a handful of British people are prepared to do serious jail time
for arson and God knows what else for setting police stations on fire,
everyone who is any part of the police force should be asking themselves
why so many of the people they falsely purport to protect feel such
hostility and resentment toward them.

I'm not going to cry myself to sleep for the institution that works night
and day to turn people like us into political prisoners for the "crime" of
wanting our children and our people to have a country that is safe,
cohesive, and harmonious, which would be recognisable to our very recent
ancestors, and which actually feels like what it is - our home. Given that
they've already put many of my friends in jail for this "crime", and have
made hopeless attempts to intimidate me into silence, submission, or
treachery with their risibly dim-witted harassment tactics in the past,
they'll be waiting a good while for anything but contempt from me.

As I said in the first place, rather than engage in criminality, White
people should starve this regime of their labour and their efforts in a bid
to weaken it to the extent that it collapses and is replaced.

Lucas McCain
2024-08-05 04:29:43 UTC
Post by D. Ray
As I said during my stream tonight, I oppose any violent disorder, and I
especially oppose the circumstances that lead to it. My preferred method of
protest against the viciously anti-White occupation we live under would be
for White people to just down tools and go on strike.
But how did it come to this? Three White schoolgirls were stabbed to death
this week by a rampaging African youth, who also severely injured many
other little girls and two adults.
So here's a fact: had that anti-White atrocity not happened, and were
anti-White atrocities like that unable to happen at all, the number of
protests this week would be zero. The number of projectiles thrown at the
police would be zero. The damage to property would be zero, and yes, the
number of police stations attacked this week would be zero.
The police may not be directly responsible for the demographic crimes which
led to the savagery that we saw in Southport on Monday, but they enforce an
incredibly vicious and abusive anti-White anarcho-tyranny upon the British
people. They treat the grossly disproportionate elements among many of the
various foreign contingents in Britain who are violent and criminal with
kid gloves, and by and large allow them to prey upon and terrorise the
British with near impunity. This is exacerbated by the fact that any Briton
who so much as complains about these conditions of terror and abuse is
liable to feel the full force of the anti-White police and judicial system.
This has been the case for decades, so it's hardly surprising that the the
police are viewed with total and utter contempt by large swathes of the
British people. And unfortunately, when tens of millions of people view you
with such contempt and distrust, probability dictates that there will be
the odd reckless idiot among those millions who'll express it in the worst
possible ways.
If even a handful of British people are prepared to do serious jail time
for arson and God knows what else for setting police stations on fire,
everyone who is any part of the police force should be asking themselves
why so many of the people they falsely purport to protect feel such
hostility and resentment toward them.
I'm not going to cry myself to sleep for the institution that works night
and day to turn people like us into political prisoners for the "crime" of
wanting our children and our people to have a country that is safe,
cohesive, and harmonious, which would be recognisable to our very recent
ancestors, and which actually feels like what it is - our home. Given that
they've already put many of my friends in jail for this "crime", and have
made hopeless attempts to intimidate me into silence, submission, or
treachery with their risibly dim-witted harassment tactics in the past,
they'll be waiting a good while for anything but contempt from me.
As I said in the first place, rather than engage in criminality, White
people should starve this regime of their labour and their efforts in a bid
to weaken it to the extent that it collapses and is replaced.
The last brave British fought to the end in Rhodesia under Ian Smith as
London sanctioned them and handed them the shit sandwich of Robert
Mugabe as punishment for their pride in their nation, the Jewel of
Africa. Enoch Powell warned the British people that there would be
blood in the streets as a result of immigration from the former colonies.

It was disgraceful the way the "leaders" in the UK, Canada, Australia
and New Zealand adopted STASI tactics against their "subjects" during
the COVID "pandemic". Then there was the disgrace of the New Zealand
Prime Minister taking the guns from the citizens of New Zealand after a
foreigner shot up two Mosques in what appeared to be a staged event.
Lucinda Ardern then made it a crime to share the videos of what appeared
to be a fake event or to possess the manifesto of the alleged gunman.

It's perfectly natural for the men of England and Ireland to rage
against the government officials who are flooding their countries with
fighting age "asylum seekers" after at least two separate incidents of
immigrants or sons of immigrants going on knife attacks resulting in the
deaths of very young children. It will change nothing to peacefully
protest against government officials who are determined to keep on
importing Third World invaders of color while criminalizing opposition
to this madness while treating native Europeans as the enemy.
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

"There is no "democratic" government where all the governing officials
are rich grifters, the multinational corporations and financial
institutions control policy, and the will of the people is ignored,
subverted through propaganda, or oppressed with lawfare and threats."

Posted by: Belle | Jul 22 2024 14:51 utc on Moon of Alabama blog

2024-08-05 15:46:32 UTC
Post by D. Ray
As I said during my stream tonight, I oppose any violent disorder, and I
especially oppose the circumstances that lead to it. My preferred method of
protest against the viciously anti-White occupation we live under would be
for White people to just down tools and go on strike.
But how did it come to this? Three White schoolgirls were stabbed to death
this week by a rampaging African youth, who also severely injured many
other little girls and two adults.
So here's a fact: had that anti-White atrocity not happened, and were
anti-White atrocities like that unable to happen at all, the number of
protests this week would be zero. The number of projectiles thrown at the
police would be zero. The damage to property would be zero, and yes, the
number of police stations attacked this week would be zero.
The police may not be directly responsible for the demographic crimes which
led to the savagery that we saw in Southport on Monday, but they enforce an
incredibly vicious and abusive anti-White anarcho-tyranny upon the British
people. They treat the grossly disproportionate elements among many of the
various foreign contingents in Britain who are violent and criminal with
kid gloves, and by and large allow them to prey upon and terrorise the
British with near impunity. This is exacerbated by the fact that any Briton
who so much as complains about these conditions of terror and abuse is
liable to feel the full force of the anti-White police and judicial system.
This has been the case for decades, so it's hardly surprising that the the
police are viewed with total and utter contempt by large swathes of the
British people. And unfortunately, when tens of millions of people view you
with such contempt and distrust, probability dictates that there will be
the odd reckless idiot among those millions who'll express it in the worst
possible ways.
If even a handful of British people are prepared to do serious jail time
for arson and God knows what else for setting police stations on fire,
everyone who is any part of the police force should be asking themselves
why so many of the people they falsely purport to protect feel such
hostility and resentment toward them.
I'm not going to cry myself to sleep for the institution that works night
and day to turn people like us into political prisoners for the "crime" of
wanting our children and our people to have a country that is safe,
cohesive, and harmonious, which would be recognisable to our very recent
ancestors, and which actually feels like what it is - our home. Given that
they've already put many of my friends in jail for this "crime", and have
made hopeless attempts to intimidate me into silence, submission, or
treachery with their risibly dim-witted harassment tactics in the past,
they'll be waiting a good while for anything but contempt from me.
As I said in the first place, rather than engage in criminality, White
people should starve this regime of their labour and their efforts in a bid
to weaken it to the extent that it collapses and is replaced.
Let's not forget that the Rwandan killer's identity was only revealed
because it went about on social media that he was an asylum seeker.

According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue. However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just two
weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
2024-08-05 20:12:14 UTC
On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 15:46:32 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Incubus
Let's not forget that the Rwandan killer's identity was only revealed
because it went about on social media that he was an asylum seeker.
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue. However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just
two weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
There would be less trouble overall if information was released to the
public as soon as it became available. *Truthful* information. We might
then feel that those who had given out the information were not
obviously our enemies.

Look at the Trump thing: there is still important information being
kept back by the US government, such as how many shots were actually
fired by the dead would-be assassin, and what kind of gun he had. There
are officially no other people involved, so information is not being
held back to help catch anyone else. The obvious conclusion drawn is
that there *were* others involved, just as when Kennedy was murdered.

The second-level conclusion is that such speculation is actively being
sought in both cases. The rioting will rather conveniently lead to
greater censorship and restrictions on *us*. Note that Starmer didn't
say he was proposing action to make such murders less likely, but to
make protests less likely. Yet again, the government, which largely
consists of lawyers, will be pretending that more laws will stop
criminals who don't obey the existing ones. It is only ever the
law-abiding who are inconvenienced by laws, particularly by hasty and
ill-thought-out laws.
2024-08-05 20:41:20 UTC
Post by Joe
On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 15:46:32 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Incubus
Let's not forget that the Rwandan killer's identity was only revealed
because it went about on social media that he was an asylum seeker.
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue. However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just
two weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
There would be less trouble overall if information was released to the
public as soon as it became available. *Truthful* information. We might
then feel that those who had given out the information were not
obviously our enemies.
Look at the Trump thing: there is still important information being
kept back by the US government, such as how many shots were actually
fired by the dead would-be assassin, and what kind of gun he had. There
are officially no other people involved, so information is not being
held back to help catch anyone else. The obvious conclusion drawn is
that there *were* others involved, just as when Kennedy was murdered.
The second-level conclusion is that such speculation is actively being
sought in both cases. The rioting will rather conveniently lead to
greater censorship and restrictions on *us*. Note that Starmer didn't
say he was proposing action to make such murders less likely, but to
make protests less likely. Yet again, the government, which largely
consists of lawyers, will be pretending that more laws will stop
criminals who don't obey the existing ones. It is only ever the
law-abiding who are inconvenienced by laws, particularly by hasty and
ill-thought-out laws.
indeed, the idiotic yobs are used to cotrol/restrict the masses
for the conveniences of the blob
not to control the yobs
2024-08-06 00:54:45 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 15:46:32 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Incubus
Let's not forget that the Rwandan killer's identity was only revealed
because it went about on social media that he was an asylum seeker.
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue. However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just
two weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
There would be less trouble overall if information was released to the
public as soon as it became available. *Truthful* information. We might
then feel that those who had given out the information were not
obviously our enemies.
Look at the Trump thing: there is still important information being
kept back by the US government, such as how many shots were actually
fired by the dead would-be assassin, and what kind of gun he had. There
are officially no other people involved, so information is not being
held back to help catch anyone else. The obvious conclusion drawn is
that there *were* others involved, just as when Kennedy was murdered.
The second-level conclusion is that such speculation is actively being
sought in both cases. The rioting will rather conveniently lead to
greater censorship and restrictions on *us*. Note that Starmer didn't
say he was proposing action to make such murders less likely, but to
make protests less likely. Yet again, the government, which largely
consists of lawyers, will be pretending that more laws will stop
criminals who don't obey the existing ones. It is only ever the
law-abiding who are inconvenienced by laws, particularly by hasty and
ill-thought-out laws.
indeed, the idiotic yobs are used to cotrol/restrict the masses
for the conveniences of the blob
not to control the yobs
And we wondered why the school bullies never seemed
to get into trouble :-)
D. Ray
2024-08-06 09:18:07 UTC
Post by Joe
On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 15:46:32 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Incubus
Let's not forget that the Rwandan killer's identity was only revealed
because it went about on social media that he was an asylum seeker.
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue. However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just
two weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
There would be less trouble overall if information was released to the
public as soon as it became available. *Truthful* information. We might
then feel that those who had given out the information were not
obviously our enemies.
There are videos of police together with “migrants” attacking White
Britons, and you still believe there might be a chance those people are not
your enemies?
Lucas McCain
2024-08-05 21:36:28 UTC
Post by Incubus
Post by D. Ray
As I said during my stream tonight, I oppose any violent disorder, and I
especially oppose the circumstances that lead to it. My preferred method of
protest against the viciously anti-White occupation we live under would be
for White people to just down tools and go on strike.
But how did it come to this? Three White schoolgirls were stabbed to death
this week by a rampaging African youth, who also severely injured many
other little girls and two adults.
So here's a fact: had that anti-White atrocity not happened, and were
anti-White atrocities like that unable to happen at all, the number of
protests this week would be zero. The number of projectiles thrown at the
police would be zero. The damage to property would be zero, and yes, the
number of police stations attacked this week would be zero.
The police may not be directly responsible for the demographic crimes which
led to the savagery that we saw in Southport on Monday, but they enforce an
incredibly vicious and abusive anti-White anarcho-tyranny upon the British
people. They treat the grossly disproportionate elements among many of the
various foreign contingents in Britain who are violent and criminal with
kid gloves, and by and large allow them to prey upon and terrorise the
British with near impunity. This is exacerbated by the fact that any Briton
who so much as complains about these conditions of terror and abuse is
liable to feel the full force of the anti-White police and judicial system.
This has been the case for decades, so it's hardly surprising that the the
police are viewed with total and utter contempt by large swathes of the
British people. And unfortunately, when tens of millions of people view you
with such contempt and distrust, probability dictates that there will be
the odd reckless idiot among those millions who'll express it in the worst
possible ways.
If even a handful of British people are prepared to do serious jail time
for arson and God knows what else for setting police stations on fire,
everyone who is any part of the police force should be asking themselves
why so many of the people they falsely purport to protect feel such
hostility and resentment toward them.
I'm not going to cry myself to sleep for the institution that works night
and day to turn people like us into political prisoners for the "crime" of
wanting our children and our people to have a country that is safe,
cohesive, and harmonious, which would be recognisable to our very recent
ancestors, and which actually feels like what it is - our home. Given that
they've already put many of my friends in jail for this "crime", and have
made hopeless attempts to intimidate me into silence, submission, or
treachery with their risibly dim-witted harassment tactics in the past,
they'll be waiting a good while for anything but contempt from me.
As I said in the first place, rather than engage in criminality, White
people should starve this regime of their labour and their efforts in a bid
to weaken it to the extent that it collapses and is replaced.
Let's not forget that the Rwandan killer's identity was only revealed
because it went about on social media that he was an asylum seeker.
The "authorities" withheld the relevant facts about the knife attacker,
which immediately tips off the citizens of the country that the perp is
either Muslim or "a person of color." Then the "authorities" whine
about the spread of "disinformation", "misinformation", which fills the
vacuum of real information that the "authorities" have created by
withholding the identity of the perp. Then the "authorities" speak to
the enraged British citizens with a tone that a 50 year old female
kindergarten teacher might use when disciplining a 5 year old boy at
school for some petty misbehavior. It's the same tone they used when
scolding citizens who refused the experimental mRNA "vax". It's time
for the citizens Britain to clean house and consider doing to their
hostile new PM what the people of Romania did to Nicolae and Elena
Ceausescu. Recall that the police in Romania flipped sides and joined
the protesters and arrested the Ceausescus. History may repeat itself,
or at least rhyme with the past.
Post by Incubus
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue. However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just two
weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

"There is no "democratic" government where all the governing officials
are rich grifters, the multinational corporations and financial
institutions control policy, and the will of the people is ignored,
subverted through propaganda, or oppressed with lawfare and threats."

Posted by: Belle | Jul 22 2024 14:51 utc on Moon of Alabama blog

2024-08-06 01:15:27 UTC
Post by Incubus
Post by D. Ray
As I said during my stream tonight, I oppose any violent disorder, and I
especially oppose the circumstances that lead to it. My preferred method of
protest against the viciously anti-White occupation we live under would be
for White people to just down tools and go on strike.
But how did it come to this? Three White schoolgirls were stabbed to death
this week by a rampaging African youth, who also severely injured many
other little girls and two adults.
So here's a fact: had that anti-White atrocity not happened, and were
anti-White atrocities like that unable to happen at all, the number of
protests this week would be zero. The number of projectiles thrown at the
police would be zero. The damage to property would be zero, and yes, the
number of police stations attacked this week would be zero.
The police may not be directly responsible for the demographic crimes which
led to the savagery that we saw in Southport on Monday, but they enforce an
incredibly vicious and abusive anti-White anarcho-tyranny upon the British
people. They treat the grossly disproportionate elements among many of the
various foreign contingents in Britain who are violent and criminal with
kid gloves, and by and large allow them to prey upon and terrorise the
British with near impunity. This is exacerbated by the fact that any Briton
who so much as complains about these conditions of terror and abuse is
liable to feel the full force of the anti-White police and judicial system.
This has been the case for decades, so it's hardly surprising that the the
police are viewed with total and utter contempt by large swathes of the
British people. And unfortunately, when tens of millions of people view you
with such contempt and distrust, probability dictates that there will be
the odd reckless idiot among those millions who'll express it in the worst
possible ways.
If even a handful of British people are prepared to do serious jail time
for arson and God knows what else for setting police stations on fire,
everyone who is any part of the police force should be asking themselves
why so many of the people they falsely purport to protect feel such
hostility and resentment toward them.
I'm not going to cry myself to sleep for the institution that works night
and day to turn people like us into political prisoners for the "crime" of
wanting our children and our people to have a country that is safe,
cohesive, and harmonious, which would be recognisable to our very recent
ancestors, and which actually feels like what it is - our home. Given that
they've already put many of my friends in jail for this "crime", and have
made hopeless attempts to intimidate me into silence, submission, or
treachery with their risibly dim-witted harassment tactics in the past,
they'll be waiting a good while for anything but contempt from me.
As I said in the first place, rather than engage in criminality, White
people should starve this regime of their labour and their efforts in a bid
to weaken it to the extent that it collapses and is replaced.
Let's not forget that the Rwandan killer's identity was only revealed
because it went about on social media that he was an asylum seeker.
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue. However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just two
weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
SO interesting how the govt/police are investing SO much
effort against people angry that the govt/police FAIL to
deal with 'immigrant'/'islamist' criminals/attackers ....

Kind of shows whom the State considers the 'real enemy' ...
D. Ray
2024-08-06 09:18:06 UTC
Post by Incubus
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue.
Yes, I saw that too. You can tell the same thing by the media coverage.
“Quiet choirboy” who probably had mental breakdown due to all the racism,
Post by Incubus
However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just two
weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
I didn’t see such information. And, if you want my opinion, it does not
really matter. He might have been radicalized by constant anti-White
propaganda by media and government. Everything that’s going on right now is
on basis of race, not religion.
Lucas McCain
2024-08-06 23:05:19 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by Incubus
According to information that I saw, the Police are under pressure to
pass this off as a "mental health" issue.
Yes, I saw that too. You can tell the same thing by the media coverage.
“Quiet choirboy” who probably had mental breakdown due to all the racism,
Post by Incubus
However, the killer had
become radicalised within Islam and had a visit from the Police just two
weeks before he went on a killing spree due to his extremism.
I didn’t see such information. And, if you want my opinion, it does not
really matter. He might have been radicalized by constant anti-White
propaganda by media and government. Everything that’s going on right now is
on basis of race, not religion.
Here's an extraordinary streaming podcast that sheds a lot of light on
the subject:

Posted on August 6, 2024White Riot
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, August 6, 2024

Whites are rising up against the British establishment after three white
girls were killed by a non-white. Muslims and whites are fighting in the
streets. The British government is taking sides — and it is not with the
British people. Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who took a knee for BLM,
promises state repression against white rioters, without addressing any
of their concerns or any root causes. Are we to believe the Left no
longer thinks riots are the “voice of the unheard?” Hood/Kersey on what
these riots really reveal.

You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

"There is no "democratic" government where all the governing officials
are rich grifters, the multinational corporations and financial
institutions control policy, and the will of the people is ignored,
subverted through propaganda, or oppressed with lawfare and threats."

Posted by: Belle | Jul 22 2024 14:51 utc on Moon of Alabama blog
