For all you Israelis
(too old to reply)
D. Ray
2024-08-20 01:13:01 UTC
The scum of the earth Britons, who have murdered
millions of people and robbed untold billions all over the globe, have
been kicked from Palestine years ago. Face it, fuckface: your fucking
"empire" is gone, and you are the world's number one joke. It's poetic
justice that you're being taken over by Muslims and Africans.
Oh, isn’t that nice?

To all Englishmen who read this post, feel free to re-read the paragraph
above. This is how the Jew repay you for liberating them and saving them
from supposed total genocide.

There’s only one possible logical conclusion.

First, the Jew knows that UK, led by “lifelong Zionist” and “best friend of
Jews” Churchill, sacrificed empire in that war just like Hitler warned.



And the Jew is happy about it.

Second, he knows that there was no Holocaust, so he don’t need to even
pretend to be grateful for your sacrifices. You could have gotten the hint
back in late 1940s when Jews were doing terrorist attacks against British
troops in Palestine. There never was any memorial or statue in Tel Aviv of
unknown British soldier who died liberating Buchenwald, or American
soldier, or Soviet soldier. No Jewish rabbi ever prayed for British nation
on one of their “Holocaust Remembrance Days” that they have every three
weeks, looks like.

This is what you get for winning wars on behalf of Jews. And you will
receive same treatment if you’ll go to war with Iran on their behalf and
manage to win, sacrificing whatever is left of your country.

The only thing that can be added here is that “Muslims and Africans” that
he’s talking about are being sent to Europe and welcomed there by Israel.

“How Israel Created the European Refugee Crisis”


2024-08-20 09:51:22 UTC
The scum of the earth Britons, who have murdered
millions of people and robbed untold billions all over the globe, have
been kicked from Palestine years ago. Face it, fuckface: your fucking
"empire" is gone, and you are the world's number one joke. It's poetic
justice that you're being taken over by Muslims and Africans.
Oh, isn’t that nice?
It sure is.

Do you deny the mass murder and pillage committed by the British?
To all Englishmen who read this post, feel free to re-read the paragraph
above. This is how the Jew repay you for liberating them and saving them
from supposed total genocide.
What Jew?

Everyone who despises sick nazi pigs like you is Jewish?

And can you fucking learn fucking English, you inferior sack of shite?
D. Ray
2024-08-22 09:40:37 UTC
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
The scum of the earth Britons, who have murdered
millions of people and robbed untold billions all over the globe, have
been kicked from Palestine years ago. Face it, fuckface: your fucking
"empire" is gone, and you are the world's number one joke. It's poetic
justice that you're being taken over by Muslims and Africans.
Oh, isn’t that nice?
It sure is.
Do you deny the mass murder and pillage committed by the British?
They did it, with Germans. And not for a good reason, too.
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
To all Englishmen who read this post, feel free to re-read the paragraph
above. This is how the Jew repay you for liberating them and saving them
from supposed total genocide.
What Jew?
The one with big nose.
Dhu on Gate
2024-08-22 15:30:04 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
The scum of the earth Britons, who have murdered
millions of people and robbed untold billions all over the globe, have
been kicked from Palestine years ago. Face it, fuckface: your fucking
"empire" is gone, and you are the world's number one joke. It's poetic
justice that you're being taken over by Muslims and Africans.
Oh, isn’t that nice?
It sure is.
Do you deny the mass murder and pillage committed by the British?
They did it, with Germans. And not for a good reason, too.
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
To all Englishmen who read this post, feel free to re-read the paragraph
above. This is how the Jew repay you for liberating them and saving them
from supposed total genocide.
What Jew?
The one with big nose.
That "nose" is a western Neanderthal relic ;-)

Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
2024-08-22 16:38:52 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Do you deny the mass murder and pillage committed by the British?
They did it, with Germans. And not for a good reason, too.
Only with Germans, you poor, genetically defective 'tard?
D. Ray
2024-08-23 19:05:17 UTC
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Do you deny the mass murder and pillage committed by the British?
They did it, with Germans. And not for a good reason, too.
Only with Germans
You have something to say?
Post by NoSpamAtAll
you poor, genetically defective 'tard?
For those who don’t know, here’s why Jews are obsessed with genetics and
genetic defects:


“It was also found that any two Ashkenazi Jewish participants shared about
as much DNA as fourth or fifth cousins.[176][177]”


And, as inevitable result:


“There are several autosomal recessive genetic disorders that are more
common than average in ethnically Jewish populations, particularly
Ashkenazi Jews, because of relatively recent population bottlenecks and
because of consanguineous marriage (marriage of second cousins or

More information can be obtained by googling “Jewish genetic diseases.”
2024-08-23 19:30:33 UTC
Post by D. Ray
You have something to say?
Yes, for example

Post by D. Ray
You mean the same Ashkenazi Jews who win far more Nobel Prizes per capita
than any other ethnic group? Hell, they make your genetic defects appear
even more glaring. No wonder you're mad as hell, you poor, inferior,
pathetic critter.
D. Ray
2024-08-25 00:52:16 UTC
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
You have something to say?
Yes, for example
You forgot to prove that all this was the choice of British people that
they consciously made, and somehow profited off of. Were there any
demonstrations on the streets of London demanding putting Boers women and
children in concentration camps? No, and it was not the British people who
profited off of South African gold.

“No Rothschild is English, No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg,
Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was born an Anglo-Saxon. And it is
this filth that you fight for. It is this filth that has destroyed your
empire. It is this filth that elects and selects ‘your politicians’.” –
Ezra Pound

Meanwhile, we all saw demonstrations in Israel demanding the right to rape
random Palestinian prisoners with impunity, we all can see bloodthirsty
Zionists on the streets defending right of Israel to bomb women and
children, et cetera. This is conscious choice made by majority of people.
True democracy, I might say.
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
You mean the same Ashkenazi Jews who win far more Nobel Prizes per capita
than any other ethnic group?
Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews, it’s called “nepotism”. When
one small group engages in such practice and other people don’t, you’ll
inevitably end up with disproportional representation. Fortunately, people
start noticing it and asking questions. That magic shield of Holocaust
victimhood is wearing out.
2024-08-25 06:18:17 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
You forgot to prove that all this was the choice of British people that
they consciously made, and somehow profited off of.
Who gives a fuck? These are crimes committed by the British.

[moronic rants flushed]
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
You mean the same Ashkenazi Jews who win far more Nobel Prizes per capita
than any other ethnic group?
Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews,

Jews were discriminated against, for years, both in USSR and US
universities, yet tremendously succeeded.
Post by D. Ray
Fortunately, people start noticing it and asking questions.
What "people" are these, you pathetic nazoid sub-louse? You and
your nazoid sub-lice pals, who are taking turns changing David
Irving's diapers?
2024-08-25 19:21:55 UTC
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
You mean the same Ashkenazi Jews who win far more Nobel Prizes per capita
than any other ethnic group?
Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews,
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Jews were discriminated against, for years, both in USSR and US
universities, yet tremendously succeeded.
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Fortunately, people start noticing it and asking questions.
What "people" are these, you pathetic nazoid sub-louse? You and
your nazoid sub-lice pals, who are taking turns changing David
Irving's diapers?
D. Ray
2024-08-25 19:47:18 UTC
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
You forgot to prove that all this was the choice of British people that
they consciously made, and somehow profited off of.
Who gives a fuck?
People do.
Post by NoSpamAtAll
These are crimes committed by the British.
No. British nation, British people did not commit them and did not profit
off of them. The reason you want to present it as such is because you know
your people now are committing worst atrocities of XXI century, and they
are doing it to steal someone’s land.
Post by NoSpamAtAll
[moronic rants flushed]
No objection, I see. I’ll repeat:

“No Rothschild is English, No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg,
Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was born an Anglo-Saxon. And it is
this filth that you fight for. It is this filth that has destroyed your
empire. It is this filth that elects and selects ‘your politicians’.” –
Ezra Pound

Meanwhile, we all saw demonstrations in Israel demanding the right to rape
random Palestinian prisoners with impunity, we all can see bloodthirsty
Zionists on the streets defending right of Israel to bomb women and
children, et cetera. This is conscious choice made by majority of people.
True democracy, I might say.
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
You mean the same Ashkenazi Jews who win far more Nobel Prizes per capita
than any other ethnic group?
Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews,
They tell that to everyone themselves.

Post by NoSpamAtAll
Jews were discriminated against, for years, both in USSR and US
No, they weren’t. They, however, discriminate against White people in US
2024-08-25 20:13:08 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
These are crimes committed by the British.
No. British nation, British people did not commit them and
did not profit off of them.
Are you totally insane?
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews,
They tell that to everyone themselves.
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Jews were discriminated against, for years, both in USSR and US
No, they weren't.
Again, are you totally insane?

"In the first half of the 20th century, Jews [in the US] were
discriminated against in employment, access to residential and
resort areas, membership in clubs and organizations, and in
tightened quotas on Jewish enrollment and teaching positions
in colleges and universities."


etc. etc. etc.
D. Ray
2024-08-25 22:18:12 UTC
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
These are crimes committed by the British.
No. British nation, British people did not commit them and
did not profit off of them.
Are you totally insane?
Did British people ever went on demonstrations demanding putting Boers
women and children in concentration camps?
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews,
They tell that to everyone themselves.
Yes, (((they))).
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Post by D. Ray
Post by NoSpamAtAll
Jews were discriminated against, for years, both in USSR and US
No, they weren't.
Again, are you totally insane?
Are you? We already got it, you’re a Jewish supremacist, but having a
proportional representation of your people in elite universities (2%) is
not discrimination. Discrimination is when all Ivy League deans are Jews,
majority of “White” professors are Jews, and half of “White” students are
Jews (again, 2% of population).

Here’s good article on the topic:


