Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2?
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D. Ray
2024-09-08 19:56:20 UTC
The idea that fighting World War 2 was a good thing is immediately taken
for granted and if you dare oppose that narrative then you are viewed as
some kind of evil extremist. This applies to generation after generation.
The veterans themselves, however, are seemingly never asked. What does that
brave generation of the war years really think? They blindly sacrificed
everything for Britain in what they at the time believed to be a just
cause. Do they still believe this? Do they regret it? Let's cut through the
postwar propaganda and hear the views of the men themselves. Their
generation, at the very least, tells it how they see it.

D. Ray
2024-09-09 18:05:43 UTC
It's great to see more and more people waking up to the reality of who
Churchill really was on platforms like Twitter, but that's only part of the
struggle we face. WW2 was a fundamental turning point in world history that
handed power to the twin evils of communism in the East and capitalism in
the West, however what many don't know is that WW2 was not only completely
avoidable, but it was also NOT in Britain's interests to fight the war, and
the net results of Britain's involvement was the collapse of the empire,
mass immigration and the multicultural hell we live in today.

A while back I produced a short and very digestible video explaining why
Britain should NOT have gone to war with Germany, please feel free to spam
this video in discussions with newbies or even download it and put it on
Twitter when debating with others. These videos are for educational
purposes and are always produced so that normal people can watch them and
learn something new in less than 15 minutes.

Here's the link: